Career Tips

10 Golden Rules On How To Create A Winning CV For Internship. Read More!

10 Golden Rules on How to Create a Winning CV in 2023

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A Winning CV for Internship is not just a word document of an individual with personal details and career history, but rather one’s profile presented in a professional, eye-catching, and outstanding manner.

Gone are the days when an interviewer would struggle to select a winning CV from a pool of candidates, as it is now easier to simply pinpoint CVs that outshine the rest by merely checking on whether they have covered all the critical areas or not.

A Winning CV should tell a story to the reader by merely scrutinizing it in just a few seconds. This brings us to the Golden Rules on How to Create a Winning CV.

What is your Unique Selling Point?
This is a special skill that helps one stand out from the rest; it assists the interviewer in scheduling an interview with the interviewee because it is attention grabbing. For instance, if one has a unique qualification that will benefit the organization, it should be highlighted on the CV.

Normally for Trades, we are talking of journeyman Class 1 grading, Chefs Class 1, Accounting (Chartered Accountants), Marketers (vast experience in digital marketing), etc.

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It’s key to focus on Measurables
It’s important to draft your CV in result-oriented terms. Instead of saying you’re a great team player, also tell the recruiter what projects you worked on and the results that highlighted that you were an excellent team member. Yes, you are a hard worker, but also display some of the awards, appraisals, or success stories that show that you did well.

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You should also identify gaps for that position you’re applying for so that your CV addresses on how you can fill the gaps or leaks for that organization. Subsequently, this will make recruiters’ job easier to cross-reference their needs with what you can offer.

Avoid Generic Words When Creating A Winning CV

On another note, buzzwords like hard-worker, punctual and diligent as they’re overused and they’re now monotonous and boring to the reader. Imagine a recruiter going through 1000 CVs with the same terminology, will it help you to outstand from the rest?

Career Objective
It’s important to start with a Career Objective as it shifts the focus from the individual to what you can offer or solve for the company being applied. The career objective must not be general, but it must be specific and well executed. You should not make a career objective for what you want, but rather what makes you the best candidate for the position you are applying for.

Avoid too much graphics on your CV
This includes logos, charts, tables graphs and various sophisticated designs. In as much as it is eye-catching to look at, it is also a disadvantage if the CV is to be out into a robot like ATS as it cannot scan your CV when you apply online as it is unreadable and incompatible with its format.

Do not use email address from current employer
In as much as it may seem to be ideal, it will show as if you’re misusing the resources for the company you’re working for, and you’re spending company time to do your own personal stuff, hence it is unprofessional.

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Avoid Long Paragraphs
Make a habit of writing an introduction summary of 2-3 sentences as long sentences are boring and monotonous to the reader, remember hiring managers do not have time to waste as they are working on tight deadlines. You should always put your points in bullet forms and never copy the information on your cover page and paste it in your CV as that’s duplication of work.

Additional Documents
It’s not advisable to attach all your documents on your CV unless you’re asked to do so. When they want your certificates and other credentials they will definitely request you to send them through, but attach them as separate files.

Avoid Personal Information
This may include National ID #, passport number, license number, home address, religion, marital status, health information and home address. Did I say it all?

Remove Photo
It’s important to remove a photo on your CV unless you’re requested to do so. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where the recruiter is now selecting based on your looks.

Remember recruiters are also human, and some are racist, so to avoid it just remove it completely unless if it being requested as some professions hire candidates based on their physical appearance; for example in the Airlines industry where air hostesses should meet a certain height and they should not have tattoos, etc.

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