UN Jobs

x20 UNICEF Open Vacancies In Multiple Locations For 2024. Apply Today!

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Program Overview

At UNICEF, we focus on attracting and retaining the best talent with the skills and commitment to make UNICEF’s vision a reality. What do you get in return? A meaningful career complete with diverse and exciting professional and personal development opportunities to make a real difference for every child. Join us!

UNICEF offers a range of challenging and exciting opportunities across our key functional areas of work. Discover UNICEF’s work for every child below, and see where you fit in.

Also Read: x20 UNICEF Open Vacancies In Multiple Locations For 2024. Apply Today!

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Program Details

Regional Chief of Programme and Planning (Monitoring and Knowledge Management), P-5, EAP Regional Office in Bangkok, Thailand #15523 (fixed-term appointment)

Regional Chief of Programme and Planning (Monitoring and Knowledge Management) provides technical leadership, management advice, and programme support throughout the region and facilitates application and adaptation of UNICEF policies and strategies. It provides UNICEF programmes with leadership including advice, vision, oversight, knowledge management, articulate policies and strategies, coordination of programme strategy and implementation, capacity building, support for planning, monitoring and knowledge management, representation, and strategic partnership creation. The position also oversees EAPRO’s support to COs at key programming milestones and strengthening availability and quality of data for children. It reinforces UNICEF’s commitment to culture change as they relate to Results-based Management and Results-based Budgeting across the region with a focus on demonstrating results across the Goal Areas. Leads technical expertise to COs in their efforts to collect, analyse and use data, including implementing the UNICEF Data for Children Strategy in countries.

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Location: Thailand

Deadline: 13 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

(Extended deadline) Roster of Simultaneous Translator (English and Thai languages), UNICEF Thailand Country Office, Bangkok, Job No #569605

UNICEF Thailand Country Office is establishing a roster of national or international simultaneous translators to provide professional support in simultaneous translation between English and Thai languages during workshops and meetings. The selected candidates will remain on the roster for a period of 36 months and may be contracted for specific tasks by any section in the office.

Location: Thailand

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Finance Specialist, NOC, Fixed Term, #127774, Port Sudan, Sudan (open to Sudanese national only)

Under the direct supervision of the Finance Manager, the incumbent will provide financial and administrative support to the UNICEF country office management, in particular to the Global Fund (GF) programme component.

Location: Sudan

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, NOC, Fixed Term Appointment #127900, Port Sudan, Sudan (open to Sudanese national only)

Under the direct supervision of the Programme Manager (Malaria) and overall guidance of the PME Chief, the incumbent will provide overall technical leadership for the M&E approach and strategy for the program. The M&E Specialist will provide M&E expertise in the development and implementation of the M&E Plan, build capacities of staff and ensure that data quality standards are monitored, met and reported timely.

Location: Sudan

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Programme Specialist(Environment and Social Safeguard -Risk) P3, Fixed Term Port Sudan, Sudan (Open to non-Sudanese nationals only), #127772

Under the direct supervision of the Programme Manager, the Programme Specialist (ESS) will ensure that UNICEF Environmental and Social Safeguarding standards (ESS) are complied with and monitored throughout UNICEF programme cycle. They will perform these tasks in line with the contractual requirements included in the respective Environmental and Social Commitments Plan (ESCP) agreed with the World Bank across various UNICEF projects. S/he will be responsible for the adequate implementation and monitoring of the relevant instruments related to the Risks and ESS Management component.

Location: Sudan

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Programme Manager (Malaria)P-4, Fixed Term, #127773, Port Sudan, Sudan (For non-Sudanese only)

Under the direct Supervision of the Chief Health and Nutrition, the function is required to support the overall coordination and management of Global Fund grants throughout the duration of the implementation of this PR-ship. The position will be responsible for developing partnerships with overall programme coordination and developing strong partnerships with FMOH and other government organizations. This includes corresponding with the GF Secretariat and the Local Fund Agent (LFA), developing detailed work plans and budgets, supervising programme implementation, ensuring that partners and activities are well coordinated, and facilitating regular management and coordination meetings. It also involves liaising with state health authorities. Given the current instability and evolving situation in Sudan, the function will be responsible for the formulation and development of strategies, methodologies and new approaches for ensuring and improving programme delivery.

Location: Sudan

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Temporary Appointment: Evaluation Specialist, P4, (Six months), Evaluation Office, NYHQ, # 127821

The Evaluation Specialist (Temporary Assignment) under the supervision and guidance of the Senior Evaluation Specialist for Goal Areas 2 and 5, will manage all phases of the evaluations under her or his responsibility. This includes, preparing desk reviews and concept notes to scope the evaluation focus and methodological design; identify relevant documentation and key stakeholders; draft terms of reference; quality assure the appropriate use of methodological approaches; manage evaluation teams; and quality-assure all deliverables. The TA is for eight months.

Location: United States

Deadline: 5 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Consultancy – Cash and Nutrition in Humanitarian Contexts Consultant Req.#570029

The Cash and Nutrition Consultant will be the cash and nutrition thematic advisor in the GNC Technical Alliance, providing technical support to countries and regions requesting support through the GNC, and supporting the development of key technical outputs prioritized by the Cash and Nutrition GTWG including guidance, briefs, case studies and learning events. The Consultant, under the leadership the Senior Adviser for Social Protection and Nutrition and working in close collaboration with the Social Protection team will also be responsible for providing technical support to UNICEF COs on building synergies between Humanitarian Cash Transfers and emergency nutrition, including enabling these to be shock responsive in the 15 countries most affected by the food and nutrition crisis.

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Location: United States

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Consultancy – Development of tools and guidance for the roll out of the International Classification of Violence against Children (ICVAC), D&A, DAPM NYHQ (remote based)

The lack of available and comparable data on violence against children (VAC) is because there are no common or uniform recommended operational definitions for the various forms of VAC that countries can use to guide their measurement efforts. As a result, the International Classification of Violence against Children (ICVAC) was developed by UNICEF and endorsed by the United Nations Statistical Commission in March 2023. The ICVAC includes operational definitions of all forms of violence against children and covers interpersonal and collective violence, both in times of peace and during internal or international armed conflict. The classification provides countries with a tool to assess the extent to which their national definitions and data collection efforts comply with internationally agreed standards. It will also support countries to ensure that data collection efforts produce comparable data. The Child Protection and Development (CPD) Unit within the Data and Analytics Section is leading the roll out of the ICVAC and requires a consultant to draft the tools and guidance materials that will support countries in its implementation.

Location: United States

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Consultant international en appui à l’estimation des ressources « Costing » de la stratégie nationale de la vaccination (SNV) en Guinée – WCAR – 10 days

L’UNICEF travaille dans certains des endroits les plus difficiles du monde, pour atteindre les enfants les plus défavorisés de la planète. Pour sauver leur vie. Pour défendre leurs droits. Pour les aider à réaliser leur potentiel. Dans 190 pays et territoires, nous travaillons pour chaque enfant, partout, chaque jour, afin de construire un monde meilleur pour tous. Et nous n’abandonnons jamais.

Location: Guinea

Deadline: 29 Feb 2024 11:55 PM

Consultancy: WASH Knowledge management consultant WCARO- Dakar, Senegal, 7months (Remote/Work from home)

This consultancy will facilitate the documentation and capacity building aspects for CO colleagues on knowledge generation under the direct supervision of the WASH specialist Sanitation and Hygiene. The purpose of this consultancy is to support UNICEF country offices in West and Central Africa and WCARO in their WASH knowledge management activities, by supporting the development of high-quality, innovative technical WASH knowledge products, especially around sanitation outcomes documenting the progress towards Ending Open Defecation (KRC8).

Location: Senegal

Deadline: 19 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Internship (26 weeks, office-based): Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships, Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships (PFP)

The Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSP) team in UNICEF’s Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division (PFP), leads on UNICEF’s engagement with private sector and public-private initiatives and platforms that are actively shaping global agendas, priorities and investments. The team is responsible for managing partnerships and leading engagement strategies for partnership development with global, regional and national platforms that can serve as catalysts and accelerators for country and regional offices and relevant HQ divisions in reaching, influencing, mobilizing and partnering with the private sector to achieve better results for children.

Location: Switzerland

Deadline: 5 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

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Supply Chain Specialist (Governance & Partner Collaboration), P-3, Fixed Term, Post#96130, Copenhagen, Denmark

Under the supervision and guidance of the Supply Chain Manager – Systems Design & Innovation in SCSC, and closely working with Health Specialist Programme Group the incumbent will work in close collaboration with the relevant UNICEF Supply Division Centres, Programme Group, People that Deliver (PtD) and other stakeholders to ensure the strengthening of in country coordination mechanisms and (S)NLWGs as outlined above.

Location: Denmark

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Remote or In-person (6 months): Internship with the Education section – Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO)

UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) is looking for a dynamic intern who will work on supporting ECARO in assisting UNICEF country offices to better prepare and respond to disability inclusive humanitarian action, in line with UNICEF’s mandate and its Core Commitments for Children.

Location: Switzerland

Deadline: 5 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Local consultancy to coordinate the enhancement and promotion of the parenting application FOLEJA, Prishtina, Health, 62 days, remote

In 2022, UNICEF launched Foleja, a mobile parenting application, with the goal to support responsive, positive parenting, and early childhood development, and as part of UNICEF initiative for Europe and Central Asia region. The application targets parents/caregivers, healthcare service providers, educators of children 0 – 6 years old, and provides comprehensive information about early childhood development (ECD) and parental care in a parent-friendly format and provides tools for monitoring child growth, development, and health status. Covering all domains of early childhood development, as well as parental/caregiver wellbeing, the app is endorsed by key Ministries delivering ECD services, such as Ministry of Health; Ministry of Education Science, Technology, and Innovation; Ministry of Finance, Labor, and Transfers; Institute of Public Health, as well as academia and field experts in Kosovo.

Location: Kosovo

Deadline: 8 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

National Consultant to conduct a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC), Home-Based, Bucharest, Romania

The individual consultant will be responsible for collecting, compiling, and reviewing the available key resources (web-based), gathering in-country information, and undertaking a key-stakeholders analysis. In addition, the incumbent will work closely with CO management and technical staff in relevant sections within the CO to identify and develop programming options and recommendations for the successful integration of climate, energy, and environment (CEE) issues in the country programme cycle.

Location: Romania

Deadline: 10 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

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Child Protection Consultant-Odessa FO ( position covering Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson Oblasts)

To undertake an analysis of the existing child protection gaps and needs in the southern region, particularly through the collection of data from the local authorities and other relevant actors, data compilation and analysis, partner capacity mapping and conduct of child protection gaps and needs analysis. The consultant will therefore build close collaboration with local authorities at both Oblast and local level as well as the child protection CPAoR members in this process. The information collected by the partner will support the programming of the Child Protection Odesa team, particularly towards the strengthening of an integrated social services system, early interventions /ECD and child protection emergency response.

The consultant will also support the effective execution of the Child Protection programme’s core functions, including technical support and capacity building of implementing partners, support to monitoring and reporting of program implementation, quality assurance of service delivery and the development of supply plan distribution. As such, the Child Protection consultants will support a diverse set of tasks, with a focus on data collection and analysis, build close collaboration with national authorities towards supporting child protection system strengthening and supporting implementing partners on quality delivery and monitoring and reporting. The efficiency and efficacy of support provided by the Child Protection consultant to programme preparation, planning and implementation, will contribute to the achievement of sustainable results to create a protective environment for children against harm and all forms of violence, and ensure their survival, development and well-being in society. Success in child protection programmes and projects in turn are to contribute to maintaining and enhancing the credibility and ability of UNICEF to provide programme services for mothers and children that promotes greater social equality in the country.

Location: Ukraine

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Programme Associate, (GS-6), Sofia, Bulgaria, #21802, Fixed-term Appointment (open for Bulgarian nationals only)

Under the supervision and guidance of the supervisor, the programme associate supports the respective section(s) by carrying out a range of programme support functions to help develop, implement and monitor their country programme, ensuring effective and timely delivery that is consistent with UNICEF rules and regulations.

Location: Bulgaria

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Consultance nationale : Consultant individuel en charge de l’appui à l’enquête MICS 7 à Madagascar, 11,5 mois, Antananarivo, Madagascar

En consultation et en collaboration avec le bureau de pays de l’UNICEF et l’INSTAT, le/la consultant(e) national(e) sera chargé(e) de garantir que les activités suivantes ont été entreprises conformément aux directives du MICS et contribuera à la coordination de ces activités: 1) Plannification de l’enquête 2) Dénombrement et cartographie, formation et travail sur le terrain, et traitement des données 4) Analyse des données et rédaction du rapport

Location: Madagascar

Deadline: 7 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

Re-advertisement: Fixed Term: Chief Health, P5, Islamabad, Pakistan, #6978

UNICEF Pakistan is looking for a seasoned Chief of Health to join the dynamic team in Islamabad. Join pur team to make a change and lead on the new Country Programme 2023-2027 implementation.

Location: Pakistan

Deadline: 12 Mar 2024 11:55 PM

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