UN Jobs

x75 Vacancies Are Now Open At UNDP In The Field Of Management. Explore & Apply!

Is a career with UNDP right for you?

✅️75 vacancies are now open at UNDP in the field of Management. Check out the opportunities below for international, local and remote personnel. Take this voluntary self-assessment to get valuable insight about your work expectations and whether it is a good match to some aspects of the work environment at UNDP! The input will be used for statistical purposes only; it will not be taken into consideration by UNDP in any job application process. This information is purely for your benefit. Access this brief video tutorial on how to use the self-assessment tool.Welcome to the UNDP Job Page! This page contains international, local, and remote job opportunities with UNDP. This includes regular staff positions (fixed-term and temporary appointments), Personal Service Agreements, and internships.
For procured deliverable-based services please access the Individual Consultancies (ICs).

Democratic Governance and Peacebuilding

UNDP ensures inclusive and effective democratic governance by advocating, advising, fostering impartial spaces for dialogue, achieving consensus and building institutions.

Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction

UNDP helps countries to simultaneously reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development that leads to transformational change, bringing about real improvements in people’s lives.

ALSO READ:  x27 UNHCR Associate Careers: A Pathway for Job Seekers in 2025. Apply Now!

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Climate & Disaster Resilience

UNDP works to integrate issues of climate, disaster risk and energy at the country level, and focuses on building resilience and ensuring that development remains risk-informed and sustainable.

Crisis Response

To help communities reduce and manage risks, humanitarian and development actors need to incorporate resilience-building and recovery into crisis response. UNDP makes a critical contribution to these efforts, by being present on the ground immediately after the onset of a crisis and linking humanitarian response to long term recovery.

HIV, Health and Development

UNDP’s HIV and health work leverages the organization’s core strengths and mandates in human development, governance, gender equality and capacity development to complement the efforts of specialist health-focused UN agencies and other partners.

Gender Equality

The promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women is central to the mandate of UNDP and intrinsic to its development approach. This effort includes advocating for women’s and girls’ equal rights, combating discriminatory practices and challenging the roles and stereotypes that affect inequalities and exclusion.

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UNDP’s managers, on the ground in some 170 countries and territories, share and learn from each other, and draw on best practices from both the public and private sectors, so that we can provide effective management and operational support to achieve development results.

Other Opportunities

Not all jobs fit into a category; here are additional opportunities to join UNDP and be the talent that makes a difference for people and planet.

ALSO READ:  x139 Assistant Jobs at World Vision: Unlocking Opportunities for Professionals. Don't Miss This Opportunity!

Application Procedure

Click Here To Explore & Apply

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